Useful links

The Wyndham Place Charlemagne Trust works together with a number of partner organisations active in the same or comparable fields of politics and ethics.

If you are interested in the work of the WPCT you may also be interested in the activities of these organisations. You can find some information about them below with direct links to their own website


Faith in Europe -

The Churches' European Relations Network

The name ‘Faith in Europe’ means two things. In this network we are drawn together by our shared belief in the European project. We also want to help promote the engagement of religious believers and religious organisations in working for a positive European future. We are ecumenical and interfaith, a Body in Association with Churches Together in Britain and Ireland, and working closely with a range of organisations in the UK and elsewhere in Europe, including the Conference of European Churches and other faith-based bodies in Brussels. We hold regular Briefing Meetings to encourage informed discussion on topics of current concern. Recent meetings have focused on church twinning, the changing self-understanding of Europe, the economic crisis, human trafficking, climate change, migration, civil society. At one meeting each year we focus on a particular country. We publish a regular newsletter and we have a constantly updated website where you can search our publications, news and speakers' presentations and find out about our plans and how to join us. Go to: or contact the Sectetary, Dr Philip Walters (email philip.max.walters [at]


                             Federal Union

Federalism divides political power between levels of government to achieve the best combination of democracy and effectiveness.

It is not the bureaucratic centralisation of popular myth.

Federal Union was founded in 1938 to campaign for federalism for the UK, Europe and the world. It has argued since then that democracy and the rule of law should apply between states as well as within them. Read more about the history of Federal Union.

Members of Federal Union receive regular mailings with news and views, invitations to conferences and seminars, and updates on federalist thinking and campaigning. It is the UK section of the Union of European Federalists and of the World Federalist Movement.

Richard Laming, Chair Federal Union

email: richard.laming [at]


Future meetings are posted on:



WPCT also works in partnership with THEOS - the public theology think tank.

The Director and contact person is Elizabeth Oldfield.

Email: elizabeth.oldfield [at]


Phone: 020 7828 7777 / 07796 325170

Address: 77 Great Peter Street, London SW1P 2EZ